On the occasion of women’s day, it is delightful to see how not just government, startups are also looking at creating a comfortable system for women to turn into entrepreneurs. A lot of startups have been looking at empowering women with their special offerings. Major concerns of women over the period have been funds, safety, comfortable work environment, business opportunities etc.
Someone is using cutting edge technology, on the other hand someone is utilizing holistic system to create a niche space for women to enter and be an active part of development.
RevStartIt becomes a challenge for women to find a comfortable working environment. Also, at times cost is not within the means to start a new venture for a lady. To address this, RevStart, a leading co-working and incubation centre, is creating a nurturing and supportive ecosystem for emerging women entrepreneurs. The startup is providing quality co-working, incubation, and acceleration services.Dedicated towards helping start-ups achieve business growth.
In addition they provide a 20 percent discount to women entreprneurs. To help aspiring women entrepreneurs navigate the world of start-ups, RevStart has launched #SheStarts@RevStart, a series of mentorship events where entrepreneurs have the opportunity of one-on-one sessions with leading women evangelists.
CreditmantriFinancial products such as loans and credit cards have not been traditionally targeted at women. That situation is now changing with dual incomes, nuclear families and the rising number of single women; there has been a considerable rise in women becoming decision makers in the credit seeking process. The participation of women in financial sphere in non-urban India too has seen a rise due to intensified government programs like Jan Dhan Yojana and MUDRA loans which has ushered in much needed financial literacy. Looking at data for the past three years we see that three out four MUDRA loans disbursed have been to women. At CreditMantri too we could observe this change, the number of credit profiled women applying through our platform for credit has increased over nine times when compared to last year and this rise was seen across products like credit cards, personal loans and home loans.
LoantapLoanTap is a fin-tech platform delivering a bouquet of Loan Products to Women who want to start their business. From the Regular EMI based Loans, to EMI Free Loans to Personal Line of Credit, LoanTap caters to all the requirements of a budding Women Entrepreneurs. The digital lending platform directly dispenses Loans through its in-house NBFC. It uses technology to deliver smart and innovative products for millennials. Borrowers can choose custom- made loan products from an array of offerings like Overdraft Facility, Credit Card Takeover Loans, Rental Security Deposit Loans, Advance Salary Loans and consumer durable loans.
AavegAaveg is an end-to-end mobility provider that ensures safe rides for corporate employees. Nowadays, women safety is one big question. With Aaveg in the picture, a woman can use the RFid card to board the corporate commutation service provided by Aaveg. This helps track the safe ride for women employees from work. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)